(1) It took three flights to get from Atlanta to Quito, and I arrived late in the night. A cab drove me to the Secret Garden hostel where I had previously made a reservation - it's nice to arrive in town after being stuck on airplanes all day and not have to think about finding accomodations. These first two photos were actually taken the next day, but I thought it would be nice to start things off with a couple views of Quito's Old Town. The Secret Garden was a comfortable hostel, and a great place to meet some fellow travelers.

(2) The rooftop cafe at the Secret Garden offers some of the finest views of Quito. Here, we see the hill known as El Penecillo. Commanding the skyline, it's sort of a where-are-we landmark that travelers may find helpful when trying to get around town. As darkness falls, the city emerged into light. Nice real-estate, eh?

(3) I had flown from Atlanta to the middle of the world, only to find a funny-talker in my hostel with a Georgia Tech T-shirt. "Did... you... go... to... Tech?" The Aussie looked up at me and replied, "No, mate. I don't even know where it is - bought it at a market in Bolivia for two dollars." And, finally, the question of our lifetime was answered: How much does a Georgia Tech t-shirt sell for in a Bolivian market?
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