(1) I decided to spend my last full day in Vilcabamba taking it easy - especially after the previous day's hike. This involved a little reading on the hammock and a stroll into town to watch some Champions League soccer at the Hidden Garden Hostel with some guys I had met (Real Madrid vs Roma). Later in the afternoon, I walked back to Izhcayluma, packed my things, and had a few drinks.

(2) I was going to miss the pleasant little stroll to my cabin.

(3) Dinner with some new friends before leaving Izhcayluma for my overnight bus to Quayaquil. I actually had to go to Loja first, and then catch my main transport at 10:30pm. This happened to be a very nice bus, modern and clean. I can only say two bad things about the ride: the movie was terrible (Open Water) and we had to be woken up twice during the night by the police for a passport check. The latter, while annoying, helped reassure that this was a safe thing to be doing. Other than that, I had a great seat up front by the driver where, if I happened to be attacked by undesireables, I could yell and somebody might hear my screams... not that they would care.
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